SBI Clerk Application Form 2016: The State Bank of India has released the application form today i.e. 05 April 2016 for the appointment of (i) Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) (ii) Junior Agricultural Associates in clerical cadre in State Bank of India. Total 19,575 vacancies have been notified under the SBI Clerk 2016 recruitment. All the interested candidates are required to apply online and make the payment of the requisite fee on or before 25 April 2016. The application form can be filled via online mode only. The date for the online exam for SBI Clerk is yet to be released, it is expected to be held in the month of May/June 2016. Aspirants are advised to go through the complete notification before applying. Also, it is essential that the candidates must fulfil the eligibility conditions.
Important Links :
SBI Clerk Eligibility Criteria 2016 – Detailed Information
Pre-requisites for filling the SBI Clerk Application Form 2016
- First of all, it is essential that the applicants should have valid email ID which should be kept active till the declaration of results. It will help a great detail in communication to the candidates by the bank regarding the call letter, results and much more
- Candidates must scan their photograph and signature as per the specifications detailed below to be uploaded in the SBI Clerk Application Form 2016.
- The photograph must be a recent passport size colour picture and must be true image representation of the candidate. Any attempt to use morphed photograph will result immediate rejection of the candidature.
- The picture should be in colour, against a light-coloured, preferably white, background.
- Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face.
- If the picture is taken on a sunny day, have the sun behind you, or place yourself in the shade, so that you are not squinting and there are no harsh shadows.
- If you have to use flash, ensure there’s no “red-eye”.
- If you wear glasses make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly seen.
- Caps, hats, and dark glasses are not acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it must not cover your face.
- Dimensions 200 x 230 pixels (preferred).
- The size of file should be between 20kb–50kb.
- Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50kb. If the size of the file is more than 50kb, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as the DPI resolution, no. of colours etc., during the process of scanning.
- The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black Ink pen.
- The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.
- If the Applicant’s signature on the answer script, at the time of the examination, does not match the signature on the Attendance Sheet, the applicant will be disqualified.
- Dimensions 140 x 60 pixels (preferred).
- The size of file should be between 10kb – 20kb.
- Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 20kb.
Payment of the application Fee
The payment of fee can be done only through online mode viz. using debit card/ credit card/Internet banking on or before 25 April. The fee once paid will not be refunded. The amount to be paid towards fee is applicable as follows –
- For SC/ST/PWD/XS applicants – 100/- (Intimation Charges only)
- For General and OBC applicants – 600/- (App. Fee including intimation charges)
Procedure to fill the SBI Clerk Application Form 2016
- Fore mostly, the candidates are required to register themselves online for which the active window is available above on this page
- Provide the details correctly in the blank fields. All the details entered by the applicants must be authentic and they will be required to provide the proof for the same at the later stage
- Applicants must not leave any field blank
- Candidates who are not being able to fill the data in one go, they can save the data already entered
- Candidates must keep in mind that they will not be required to make any changes in their application form after the final submission
- Once all the details required are filled in the SBI Clerk Application Form, kindly “SAVE” the data
- A provisional registration number and password will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Candidates should note down the registration number and password. They can re-open the saved data using registration number and password and edit the particulars, if needed. This facility will be available three times only.
- Once the application is filled in completely, candidates should submit the data. No change /edit will be allowed thereafter. The registration at this stage is provisional
- Once the candidate has ensured that all the details have been filled correctly then he/she must make the payment of the requisite fee through the payment gateway integrated with the application
- On successful transaction, e-receipt and application form will be generated; which may be printed for record. However, you do not need to send the same to the Bank.
- On unsuccessful or transaction of fee payment, candidates must register again and make the payment online.
Applicants will be able to avail the facility for reprinting the e-receipt and SBI Clerk Application Form containing fee details at a later stage as well. In the case of any doubts or queries, aspirants are requested to send their comments in the box below.