Company: ORACLE
About Company : This is the place to get basic facts about the company (PDF), or to learn about how Oracle is dedicated to unleashing innovation by simplifying IT. Find out about the Executive and Board of Directors leadership teams who drive the company’s direction. Learn about Oracle’s History, and the Innovation and Acquisitions that will help shape its future, as well as Customer Successes and Oracle Excellence.
Eligibility: BS Degree
Experience: 1 yrs
Location: Bangalore
Job Role: QA Analyst
Job Description:
1. The candidate knows Knowledge of Vulnerabilities and Exploits Outside of Tool Suites , which means aware more about a vulnerability than what automated tools describe.
2. Pen testers need to know how to modify existing exploits to get them to work in specific networks for testing purposes.
3. Understanding of secure web communications and technologies
4. Aware as to how web applications are built, how to identify input fields, and how to gather information that can lead to exploiting the functionality of the web application.
5. Ability to script ( basic proficiency in Python , perl )
6. Basic proficiency in are Python, Perl, PowerShell, and Bash.
Qualification: BS Degree or equivalent experience relevant to functional area.
Experience: A of 1 year of software engineering or related experience.