Indian Navy Recruitment of unmarried men and women To Join As Short Service Commission Officers. Online applications are invited for all the interested and eligible candidates across India for the post In Executive Branch (General Service/Hydro Cadre/ Naval Armament Inspection Cadre (NAIC))/ Technical Branch (Electrical & Engineering (General Service)/ Naval Architecture).
Defence Wing : Indian Navy
Official Website :
Position : SSC Officers
Salary : Initially Level 10 of 7th CPC (Rs 56100/- per month) + MSP (Rs 15500/- per month) + Other Perks & Allowances {Around 1 lakh per month}
Eligibility Criteria :
- Candidates who have passed Engineering Degree or are in the final year of Engineering Course in any discipline from a recognised university / educational institute with at least 60% marks till 5th / 7th semester, in regular / integrated course respectively.
- Shortlisting of candidates for SSB Interview based on the academic performance (percentage of marks)
- SSB Interview
- Medical Test for Recommended Candidates (Kindly have your eyes checked up before applying for the post)
How To Apply :
Online registration will be open from 4th August, 2018 to 24th August, 2018.